Wednesday, July 6, 2011

She's got the fever!

I have been lurking on several blogs that highlight life as a momma of a child with Down Syndrome.  The most encouraging sites have been ones that are written by mommas who love Jesus.  I have been moved to tears, encouraged, educated, and entertained by life in all of the very different families all over the web.  My heart was moved recently by a story of a little boy named Kirill and his journey home to America.

Because my husband and I are passionate about adoption, I was instantly drawn to a site called Reece's Rainbow that advocates for children with Down Syndrome and other special needs.  What instantly drew me to the site was the fact that many of the children from Russia look just like my little boy:  our domestic, international, special needs adoption. You can read about our adventure at this post.

My best friend growing up gave birth to a little firecracker named Evan.  He is absolutely delicious and his extra chromosome makes him extra cute.

Amy was such an encouragement to me as we made the decision to bring little Knox home.  Lately, I was noticing my friend Amy was equally captivated by Reece's Rainbow and I began to sense that she had caught the fever.  I know the symptoms having been friends with many in the adoption community.  She kept commenting on the site, advocating, and even sponsoring a little friend from RR to help increase the adoption grant.  I was so excited to find out that Amy and her husband Mike are embarking on the adoption journey.  You can read about their story on their adoption blog.  I was in tears looking at that little girl that looks like she was made for this family.

 I am glad to say there is no cure for this fever.  I pray that our lives and testimonies of God's grace in ransoming these little ones will become contagious.  I'm hoping for an epidemic :)

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