Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Love is in the air. . .

I am absolutely smitten.  I have a little 10 lb package of cuteness who continues to amaze me everyday.  He's so precious.  We had a date at the ER for croup and this little man was wooing the nurses and snuggling with me.  He's been so happy and smiley and has even started to giggle despite his hoarse voice and barky cough.  Right now he's chatting with Tigger in his Pack-n-Play.  I can't imagine life before little Knox joined our little fam. 


  1. can he be any cuter??? OH MY!!! You are so blessed, I love reading your blog!:) God is so good!

  2. Love it!! Try to keep those dates at the ER at a minimum, though, OK? ;) Can't wait to see you guys soon!

  3. Hi! I am a dear friend of Stacey Steeves. She told me about your blog and I have been reading! I really enjoy your posts!! He sure is a precious bundle of joy
