Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Cure for the Boo-Boo Blues

The tears stream down his little face as he comes running to me for comfort.  He's got a boo-boo.  

This time it's one of those red welty ones that come from a good fight between his forehead and the sidewalk.  After hugs and some ice, I always try a trick that my South African friend Mariza taught me.  This amazing cure all can be found in my kitchen cupboard. . . vanilla extract.  

Whenever Grae get's one of those ugly welty bumps, I apply a little vanilla extract to the bruise.  Be careful not to use this on open scrapes, the alcohol will burn.  The amazing thing is that the vanilla seems to reduce swelling and bruising.  It's like magic and it makes my already delicious little boy smell like a sugar cookie :)

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