Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Almost perfect

So for years now I have been saying that I am a defeated perfectionist.  I have grand dreams of a spotless house, an up-to-date blog, a perfectly home-preschooled child, a baby on a routine, and a husband who is fed and happy.  This season of my life has been a reminder that I am . . . ridiculous.  I have been humbled at the lack of progress in each of these areas.  Thankfully, God is graciously reminding me that if I was perfect, I wouldn't need Him!  I have had to sacrifice my unreasonable expectations at the foot of my Savior's cross and resolve to try to do lots of little things well, not perfectly.  Though my house has dustbunnies, my blogging is irregular, my oldest only knows up to the letter D, my baby sleeps all the time, and my husband has had to settle for some less than stellar concoctions, I know that my Lord sees my heart and not my performance. 

1 comment:

  1. Wen- I totally feel your pain. My house is far from clean- the clutter consumes me, and I think I get the chance to dust maybe once a month or two? LOL I swear the Leap Start DVD- Letter Factory taught both Kaylin and Justin their letters and sounds. I may even still have it kicking around if you'd like to borrow it! Grae is super smart and will pick up those letters on his own time.

    I believe Evan slept through the first four months of his life- it wasn't until then that he really started staying awake for any length of time- I'm talking an hour or two. I was always stressing about fitting in all the therapies etc. but I've stopped worrying about that stuff. He's progressing at his own pace and I'm pleased as well as his therapists.

    It was great finding your blog post today- I've been meaning to call and catch up to see how things are going. We really need to plan a playdate sometime soon!
