Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mom Tip: Snack Attack

He prowls about seeking his prey . . .
He whines, he cajoles, he begs . . .
He looks for a moment of weakness in his parents . . .
He is a snack monster.

The problem is that this little monster doesn't like to eat his dinner.  My option is to make dinner time a miserable fight over 3 bites of this and a forkful of that or to try to curb the little monster during the day so that he is hungry at mealtime.

My solution was fairly simple and seems to have worked . . . so far.  I saved an old coffee can and covered it with some cool guy scrapbooking paper.  In the morning, Grae gets to choose 2 healthy snacks and a treat to put in his snack jar (1 snack b/w breakfast and lunch, 1 post nap nosh, and a treat for fun).  Once the stuff is gone, it's gone.  I also reserve the right to remove the treat.  My little snack monster doesn't growl as much and now we have a more pleasant mealtime. 

1 comment:

  1. genius. I have two snack monsters living at my house too, I think I could use this idea...:)
